About Our School

School Mission/Vision


Educate, Engage, and Empower military-connected students to succeed in a dynamic world.


Excellence in Education for Every Student, Every Day, Everywhere

Our Purpose

L ifelong learners in a 21st century, global society
M asters of the skills necessary for adapting in an ever-changing world
S uccessful college and/or career ready learners

About Our School

Welcome to Lester Middle School!

Hours of Operations

  • Main Office: 0700-1515
  • School Day: 0715-1350
  • Early Release Tues: 0715-1250

School Lunches

Mon, Wed, Thurs, Friday:

  • A- Lunch 1050-1120
  • B- Lunch 1120-1150
  • C- Lunch 1150-1220

Tues- Early Release

  • A- Lunch 1005-1035
  • B- Lunch 1035-1105
  • C- Lunch 1105-1135

Summer Hours:

  • June 12-16: 0700-1515
  • June 20 - August 17 : 0800-1500
  • August 18 : Resume normal hours

Signing In and Signing Out

Students who arrive to school after the first bell must be signed in by a parent/sponsor in the front office. Tardiness due to an appointment or illness will be excused. Likewise, students who leave school during the school day must also be signed out by a parent/sponsor and signed back in upon return that day. Students will not be allowed to leave campus without a parent to sign them out, or without prior arrangements made with the administration.

Lester Middle School is a closed campus. Students are not permitted to leave the campus for any reason unless they have permission to leave school with the proper school permission form. Once students come on to campus, either by car, bus, or foot, they are to remain on campus until the end of the school day. Those students who leave campus during the day without authorization will face appropriate disciplinary action.

Excused/Unexcused Absences or Tardiness

Parents or sponsors must inform the attendance office by phone, 645-7787/098-970-7787, before 0720 hours on the day a student will be absent from school if the absence is due to illness, appointment, or other short-term reasons. If an emergency prevents you from informing the school of short-term absences before 0720, please do so as early in the school day as possible.


Lester Middle School opened in August of 1992 with grades 7 & 8. In 2008, the 6th grade was added to Lester Middle School. Lester Middle School is named after Hospital Apprentice First Class Fred Faulkner Lester, U.S. Naval Reserve, who was born on April 29, 1926, in Downers Grove, Illinois.

During the Second World War, he served as a Medical Corpsman with an Assault Rifle Platoon attached to 1st Battalion, 22d Marines, 6th Marine Division, during the Okinawa Campaign. During a fierce battle on 8 June, 1945 for a strategic Japanese-held hill, HA1c Lester moved beyond the front lines to aid a wounded Marine. As he crawled toward the casualty, HA1c Lester was struck by enemy fire but continued on. Despite heavy fire and painful wounds, he pulled the wounded Marine toward safety but was again struck by the incoming fire before reaching cover. Refusing to succumb to his wounds, HA1c finally managed to pull the man to safety. Too seriously wounded to administer aid, he instructed two Marines in the proper treatment of the wounded man. Then, realizing his own injuries were fatal, HA1c Lester refused medical aid and instead gathered his remaining strength to give instructions on the treatment of two more wounded Marines. For his selfless devotion to duty, HA1c Lester was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor. Our school proudly bears the name of this war hero who put the welfare of others before his own well-being.

School Goals

School Improvement Goals

Goal 1: CCRSL Academic Goal

Students will improve the quality of their written expression with a focus on informational text.

Goal 2: CCRSM Academic Goal

Students will improve their ability to model and apply solutions, express mathematical reasoning and justify their thinking by utilizing a variety of strategies.

Goal 3: Professional Development

All educators will maximize effective use of focused collaboration.

Core Values


Chain of Command

Official photo of Dr. Will Penner.

Dr. Will Penner

Unit 35015
Camp Lester
FPO, AP 96373-5015
United States

DoDEA's official photo of Ms. Paloma Bemis.

Ms. Paloma Travers

Unit 35015
Camp Lester
FPO, AP 96373-5015
United States

Lester Middle School official mascot
Enrollment: 406
Mascot Downloads
School Colors
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