Lester Middle School is part of Camp Lester Schools in the DoDEA Pacific South District. Lester MS serves military connected students in grades 6-8. Read More

Cognia's badge for its 2022 System of Distinction award program.

The System of Distinction award recognizes schools and systems that truly stand out in their service to learners. Many members of the Cognia Global Network seek accreditation from Cognia, which is earned as the result of extensive internal preparation and a review by a team of outside educators.

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Cognia System of Distinction

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School Hours

Tuesdays are Early Release days

Students arrive: 0705 (1st bell 0715)

Grade Regular Hours Tuesday Hours
Office Hours 0700 - 1515 0700 - 1515
Instructional Day 0720 - 1350 0720 - 1250


Classroom Teacher


or 098-970-7787 (From cell)
Team Leader


or 098-970-7787 (From cell)
Assistant Principal


or 098-970-7787 (From cell)

Dr. Will Penner, Principal 
645-7787 or 098-970-7787 (From cell)

District Superintendent’s Office 
634-1204 or 098-961-1204 (From cell)

We ask that you follow the chain of command when possible. Meet with the classroom teacher or set up a phone conference. During the conference:

1. Specify the concern/problem

2. Create a plan

3. Create a timeline.

See Home and School Communication Partnership for more details.

*Parent/Teacher Conferences: contact the office.

DoDEA encourages all communication take place through official school email accounts.

Arrival Dismissal Procedures

Upon Arrival:

  1. Students should not arrive on school grounds before 0700, as no supervision is available until that time. Students must remain outside in the open-air courtyard until the 0715 bell rings to signal entry into the buildings. (If the wind is pushing the rain sideways, the cafeteria will be opened for student use between 0700 and 0715.)
  2. Students should retrieve their materials from lockers and be seated in their first period classes no later than 0720, or they will be counted tardy.
  3. Students who arrive on campus past 0720 should report to the front office accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Upon Dismissal:

  1. Bus riders are expected to immediately report to their bus. School buses are scheduled to depart at 1400 (1300 on early-release Tuesdays).
  2. Walkers, skaters, and cyclists should leave the school grounds as soon as they are dismissed.
  3. Parents who pick up students at school should do so in the designated areas.

Cancellation and Unscheduled Dismissal of School

It may be necessary at some point during the year to cancel/close the school due to political emergencies, strikes, facility breakdowns, weather, etc. If it is not possible to get written notice out to parents in advance, the U.S. Forces radio and TV will be used to broadcast changes. Parents should make arrangements for an alternative place for their children to go whenever there is no one at home to meet them. The decision to cancel school is made by the Base Commander. When school is canceled, all available communication systems will be used to notify parents as far in advance as possible. For detailed information of Tropical Cyclone/Typhoon conditions and how they impact school operations, access this link: Tropical Cyclone/Typhoon Guide

Departure During the School Day

  1. Parents are required to sign children out in the office when picking up children during the school day.
  2. Students cannot be released to non-family members without written verification from the sponsor.
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